To subscribe your properties to HelloSpoke, please login at and navigate to Resources > Integration Marketplace > Marketplace.
- Find HelloSpoke by searching by name or by category of Communications
- Click on HelloSpoke logo > Subscribe Now
- Enable the properties you wish to subscribe
- Click Save
That is it! Your Subscription request has now been submitted to the HelloSpoke team for approval.
Below are a few key notes for your reference. In addition, there is a quick, easy to follow course within the RealPage Product Learning Portal you may access below.
- EX19_5001 Integration Marketplace
- Learn how to subscribe to AppPartners in the Integration Marketplace
- Duration: 5 minutes
A OneSite user can only manage subscriptions from the Integration Marketplace.
The OneSite user submitting the subscription requests must have the Integration Marketplace product access and ‘Integration Manager’ role. Both permissions are located under the Core center. If you do not have this permission, please contact your RealPage Administrator at your company.
For additional assistance on permissions, please submit a support ticket in the Client Portal, , choose RealPage Exchange in the product dropdown.
Your subscription request will remain in Pending status until HelloSpoke approves the subscription. You can view the status of your subscriptions at any time by clicking on the number hyperlink under the Selected Properties.