Resident Management
To use the resident communication tools, you must be integrated with your property management software (Realpage, Yardi, Entrata, ResMan). Residents will sync overnight, so all move ins/move outs should be reflected the following morning.
Certain tags will come over from your property management software, such as Buildings, Pet Owner, Parking Spot, Past Due Balance. You also have the ability to add additional tags to group residents for mass communication.
Click the + next to tags, type in the tag you want to add and hit enter. Then you can select the residents you want to add the tag to, Click the Tag icon at the top, and select the tag you want to add.
You have the ability to text residents in their preferred language, all you have to do is tag residents with their preferred language. Once tagged, anytime you text them, your message will automatically be translated into their preferred language.
Select the languages needed from the drop down. Select the residents for each one, and add the language tag the same way as above.
You can review text and call history for each resident by clicking on their name on the RESIDENTS page.
Mass Calling
Select the residents you want to call: select all, filter by tag, or select individual residents
Click the phone icon
Give your group call a subject (for reporting purposes only)
Input a description of the text you plan to record – for later reference
Call the phone number on your screen and enter in the provided code
Once happy with your recording, click to send the message
Messages will be sent to all selected residents and you will receive an email with the audio file, subject, description and list of residents the message was sent to
Mass texting
Send your opt-in message
Once you’ve given your residents a head’s up that you have a new texting platform and you need them to opt-in to receive property-related text messages, log into Notify and click Texting in the left side navigation. You will get a prompt to send your opt-in message to all residents. Click the green SEND OPT-IN TEXT MESSAGE button. All residents with a valid phone number will then receive the opt-in message.
Anyone that has opted-out or not replied with a Y or Yes will not receive any of your text communications.
Make sure your email notifications are turned on
Get email alerts when new text messages have been received. Go to your user profile and ensure there is a check mark for Notifications.
Send a mass text
- On the Residents page, select the residents you want to send a mass text to. You can filter by tag, select all, or select individual residents.
- Click the text icon
- Enter in a subject (internal use only)
- Type your message, and click the camera icon if you'd like to attach an image
- Click send
- Text history lives on the TEXTING page (left side navigation)
Individual texts and history
On the TEXTING page you will find all of your text history. You can send one-to-one text messages from this window.